Non-Invasive treatment method to use for deep chronic musculoskeletal problems.

Radial ESWT devices have a pistol-like handpiece. The bullet in the handpiece moves at a high speed. The bullet hits the tip of the applicator, and the collision creates a pulse of kinetic energy.

In Radial Shock Wave Therapy when shock waves are applied to an anatomical region, they cause mechanical stress and micro-trauma, and this trauma causes the formation of angiogenic factors. Thus, it induces a series of biological reactions that increase blood flow and trigger neovascularization of tissue.

The focusing mechanism directs each shock to a specific point in the body. Separate heads can be used to provide energy depth. Focused shock waves can target deeper tissues more precisely by propagating all the energy within the tissue. This is why local pain points, chronic insertional tendinopathies, bone stress injuries, and deep trigger points are best treated with focused shock waves. Patients who cannot tolerate radial treatments for acute injuries can also be going to benefit from focused shock wave therapy.

The administration of therapy using shock waves given outside of the body is a frequently preferred method in veterinary medicine, neurology, urology, cardiology, sports medicine, aesthetics, and especially in orthopedics and physical therapy.

Features of the Radial Product

  • As the most powerful Radial Shockwave Therapy device on the market, providing impulses up to 22 Hz and 5 bar
  • Opportunity to treat anytime, anywhere
  • The parameters set during the treatment can be easily controlled from the device screen.
  • Ready-made treatment programs and visual, written and video narrative information (Indications and Pathological Applications Guide)

Features of the Focused Product

  • Impulses up to 4 Hz and 0.25mJ
  • Head options that provide shock wave transmission with a penetration depth of 0 - 80 mm
  • Power adjustment up to 25 levels
  • Portable, anywhere, anytime treatment
  • Ready-made treatment programs and visual, written and video narrative information (Indications and Pathological Applications Guide)
  • Archive support for the user with patient registration and follow-up menu
  • Ability to change Frequency and Power settings during treatment.
  • The parameters set during the treatment can be easily seen on the device screen and changes can be made during the treatment.
  • Generator and handpiece unit does not require maintenance.

Provides easy use
with coloured
touchscreen technology.

The net effect of the Modus ESWT Radial Handpiece transmitting to the tissue is 5 bars.

Increase your application efficiency with Modus Handpieces

  • One-touch on/off feature
  • Suspension system to reduce recoil impact during the treatment
  • Different applicators according to treatment options
  • Easy maintenance feature and easy revision kit replacement
  • Ergonomic design feature that is lightweight and does not tire your hand

Modus ESWT
Handpiece Revision Kits
have 3,000,000
shock capacity.

Modus Applicators

  • Modus ESWT has a wide range of applicators suitable for every treatment.
  • Applicators transmit pulses of maximum 22 Hz to the body through the handpiece and provide a penetration depth of up to 30-40 mm in the tissue that it contacts.
  • Modus Applicators provide long-lasting use.

Features of Modus Soft Applicator

  • Making a difference with its unique technology, Modus ESWT is the only device in the world with a soft applicator.
  • With the soft applicator, ease of use is provided even in the most painful and sensitive areas.

Modus Focused Handpiece Features

  • In-depth energy delivery to the selected anatomical region
  • Easy and fast use that does not tire the hand;
  • Easy mobility;
  • Maintenance-free handpiece;
  • Head options with easy replacement according to use

Open the Doors to Innovations in Healthcare with Dr. Martin Mamo!

Effectiveness Of Shock Wave Therapy

“As shock waves pass through different tissues, some of their energy is transmitted to the tissue and some is reflected. Micro-level changes are seen according to the physical properties of the tissue.” (Sems, Dimeff & Ianotti JP., 2006).

With shock wave therapy, the therapeutic result is easily achieved by transmitting more energy to the tissue.


  • F-50 Head
    Penetration Depths
    68,50 mm
    28,50 mm
    12,50 mm
    84,50 mm
    Usage Area: Epin Calcanei, Achillodynia, Bone and Stress Fractures, Calcified Tendonitis Of Shoulder, Patellar Type Syndrome...


  • Myofascial Trigger Points
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Calcified Tendonitis Of Shoulders
  • Bursitisstrochanterica
  • Epin Calcanei
  • Patellar Type Syndrome
  • Tibialsyndrome
  • Tennis Andean Golfer's Elbow
  • Achillodynia
  • Bone And Stress Fractures
  • Delayed Bone Nonunion/Bone Healing
  • Knee And Joint Arthritis / Medial Knee OA
  • Osteitis Pubis - Groin Pain
  • Hip Avascular Necrosis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Chronic Pelvic Pain
  • Urological Indications (ED) Male Impotence Or Erectile Dysfunction / Peryonie
  • Wound Healing And Other Dermatological And Aesthetic Indications

Higher Energy Output

Higher Energy Output

Fast and Effective Treatments

There are sample application videos in Modus Radial ESWT treatment protocols. These videos provide you convenience and effectiveness in the application.


    Determine the painful area.

  • 2. MARKING
    Mark the painful area.

    To perform a successful shockwave transmission from applicator to painful area, apply the gel as a thick layer to the marked area.

    With the Modus ESWT device with Radial Shock Wave technology,
    start the device to transmit the shock waves to the tissue
    and apply it by pressing the handpiece over the skin
    to the painful area.


    Find the painful area.

  • 2. SIGN
    Mark the painful area.

  • 3. APPLY GEL
    Apply the gel to combine the shock waves with the tissue.

    While transmitting the s to the painful area with our
    Radial or Focused Device, apply the applicator
    firmly to the painful area on the skin.

  • Portable - Easy to carry.
  • Provides high energy level by electropneumatic working principle
  • Advantage of precise application by Soft Applicators
  • Revision Kits with up to 3 million shock pulse capacity
  • Pathology guide by video monitoring
  • Wide Range of Applicator options
  • Unlimited patient registration capacity
  • CE quality assurance
  • 2 years of manufacturer's warranty
  • Delivery guarantee at the address, including cargo
  • Guarantee effective shock wave treatment
  • Aesthetic and technological design
  • Pathology guide by video monitoring
  • Different application nozzles
  • Maintenance-free Generator and Handpiece unit
  • Low operating cost
  • Unlimited patient registration capacity
  • CE quality assurance
  • 2 years of manufacturer's warranty
  • Delivery guarantee at the address, including cargo

Radial shock wave is the most common type of shockwave therapy, used in most clinics. However, Focused shock wave is growing in popularity, due to the increased treatment options, treatment depth, treatment precision and patient comfort in more acute cases.

Focused and Radial shockwaves differ not only in regard to their physical properties and mode of generation, but also in terms of the magnitude of the standard parameters (pressure amplitude, pulse duration, impact) used and the therapeutic tissue penetration depths achieved.

According to usage and treatment needs, the doctor needs to prefer the right device. Orthopaedists, Physiotherapists and Urologists are using both devices but Focused ESWT devices’ effectivity is higher than Radial models, nevertheless Orthopaedists and Physiotherapists are mostly using radial models because of the economical price.

Inceler Medikal produces both Focused & Radial model ESWT devices, and as urologist are preferring focused devices for the treatment of diseases like Erectile Dysnfunction and peyronie’s disease, radial devices are most succesful for applications in orthopedy such as achilles tendon, bone fracture treatment, plantar fasciitis. Device principle choice is completely depending on the doctor preference.

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